SEC Lecture in cooperation with the Institute of Law (BOKU Vienna)


Presentation: Benoît Schmaltz

Commentary: Daniel Ennöckl

Moderation: Helmut Haberl


This presentation is about ongoing research investigating the legal formalization and governance of social metabolisms towards the deep and badly needed socioecological metamorphosis that would allow mankind to overcome the Anthropocene predicament. The first endeavour is to draft a legal theory of socioecological regimes and their transitions, which means describing social metabolism in legal terms and concepts. The second challenge is to make this formal approach a tool to design blueprints for norms, institutions and policies contributing to the transformation of epochal scale that has to be thoroughly achieved in the coming decades. If we are to do that with the least troubles and conflicts and with the highest environmental and social standards, there is a need for coordinated decisions at every level. I hope to contribute with transdisciplinary transformative science and a pluralistic ethos allowing this long-winded transition to occur in a democratic manner (i.e. compatible with political changeover).


The Lecture is a public event, jointly organised by the Institute of Social Ecology and the Institute of Law.

During the event at BOKU, photographs and/or video recordings including audio recordings will be made and used within the legally permissible framework (e.g. § 78 Austrian Copyright Act) and published in particular on the BOKU website and in social media channels as well as in print media (e.g. BOKUMagazin) for the purpose of informing the public about the fulfilment of the tasks of the universities (public relations) and documenting the activities at BOKU.


Start: 28.11.2023, 18:00
Ende: 28.11.2023, 19:30




Universität für Bodenkultur Wien | Standort Schottenfeldgasse
Schottenfeldgasse 29/3, SR 3a
1070 Wien
Institut für Soziale Ökologie
Hybrid Lecture, participation via Zoom:

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Anna Wögerbauer

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