VRVis, Austria’s largest research institute for Visual Computing, is looking for a skilled and creative mind!

We offer an open-ended position for a computational scientist (f/m/d) developing and integrating fast microclimate simulations in the context of practical climate-sensitive planning. The results will be integrated into the software Visdom, VRVis’ simulation software solution for decision support in climate change adaptation and disaster management.

You will join our Integrated Simulations R&D-team of highly motivated researchers and software engineers who enjoy finding innovative solutions in a constructive and friendly atmosphere.


Your job:

• Research for fast numerical methods for microclimate simulation (heat, wind, water) for real-world use cases

• Couple solutions with our existing water simulation in a decision support system

• Publish your research results at renowned scientific venues


Your background:

• A master’s degree in computational science, mathematics, physics, environmental engineering, or a related field with a focus on numerical problem solving, modelling, and simulation

• Good understanding of the mathematical theory behind fluid dynamics

• Practical knowledge of numerical schemes to solve partial differential equations

• Good skills and practical experience with programming in C++

• Good spoken and written English; German appreciated, but not required

• Nice to have: Experience with programming high-performance algorithms on parallel architectures


Our offer:

• Open-ended contract, 40 hours per week, negotiable

• Flexible working hours, home office option, well-equipped workplace

• Working on one of the most pressing challenges of our time, contributing to climate change adaptation, e.g. by improving heavy rain and flood hazard maps in collaboration with domain experts and end users

• Location: Vienna / Austria, office easily accessible by means of public transport (U1 subway stop VIC)

• Salary according to collective labor agreement (IT-Kollektivvertrag) including bonus for 13th and 14th month (monthly full-time min. 2.854 EUR) with overpay

• Supportive atmosphere in an inclusive team


Applications are welcome:

Please forward your application documents to Franziska Steyer-Beerman via e-mail to fsb(at)vrvis.at

VRVis being an equal opportunity employer would like to counter the lack of female researchers in the visual computing field. Therefore, we highly encourage female candidates to apply.


Mathematik, Physik, Umweltwissenschaften, Informatik oder ähnliches Gebiet mit Modellierung, Simulation


VRVis office


30. März 2024


Franziska Steyer-Beerman (HR)

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