As a predoctoral university assistant, you will complement the research team around Verena Dirsch and will be given the opportunity to complete your doctoral thesis. You will also be part of our teaching team. We are looking for a highly motivated and enthusiastic member of our team. Our research work uses techniques such as cell culture, Western Blot analysis, qPCR and other cell and molecular biology techniques.


• You are involved in research projects addressing the topic "Natural Products as Ligands of Nuclear Receptors". We expect you to finalize your dissertation agreement within 12-18 months.

• You work on your dissertation and its completion.

• You write publications and present your work in seminars and scientific conferences.

• You contribute to teaching within the scope of the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement. You take on administrative tasks in research and teaching, e.g. ordering lab consumables.

• You support students while they complete their master thesis. You actively take part at doctoral students' events.


This is part of your personality:

• Completed Master's degree in the field of Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Pharmacy, Biochemistry, or a similar field. lnterest in the field of Molecular Pharmacology and natural products.

• Basic experience in academic writing and research (e.g. within the scope of your master thesis). Didactic competences / experience with e-learning.

• IT user skills (e.g. Office and others)

• High ability to express yourself, both orally and in writing. Excellent command of written and spoken English (Cl Level). You are a team player with high social skills.

• You are highly motivated and committed and you have an intrinsic interest in science.

• ldeally, you already have experience in standard cell-biology and molecular-biology techniques.


The employment duration is 4 years. lnitially limited to 1.5 years, the employment relationship is automatically extended to 4 years if the employer does not terminate it within the first 12 months by submitting a non-extension declaration. Basic salary for 30 hrs/week: € 2.457,98 (40 hrs/week: € 3.277,30)


For more information please visit our job portal:

Apply with your scientific curriculum vitae, your letter of intent and the document of your Master Degree, including certificates.

lf you have any questions, please contact Verena Dirsch verena.dirsch(at)

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