Open Science Funding

Open-Access Block Grant
As of January 1, 2024, costs for the open-access publishing of work (peer-reviewed journal articles, contributions to edited volumes, etc.) resulting in whole or in part from FWF-funded projects will be supported by means of an Open-Access Block Grant provided in addition to the approved project budget.
Mehr entdeckenBook Publications
This program funds the publication and simultaneous open-access publication of books on research findings.
Mehr entdeckenDigital Publications
This program funds the publication of research results in stand-alone digital formats.
Mehr entdeckenAcademic Journals
This program funds the establishment or modernization of open-access academic journals.
Mehr entdeckenTop Citizen Science
Research for me and you – the Top Citizen Science program is aimed at researchers who actively involve citizens in the research process. Whether collecting data, sharing observations, or contributing experiences – there are no limits to the ways citizens can participate, and partners such as schools or clubs can also be involved.
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