In cooperation with the French National Research Agency (ANR), the FWF offers funding for closely integrated project collaborations between researchers in Austria and France.

Target group

The funding program is aimed at researchers from all disciplines. For details, please see the respective application guidelines.

Funding goals

The cooperation is intended to fund closely integrated projects in which researchers in Austria and France make substantial scientific contributions, creating added value through international cooperation.

Funding period and funding amount

Up to 48 months


For international Principal Investigator Projects  with France, the application requirements of the FWF's Principal Investigator Projects and Clinical Research programs apply to FWF applicants.

You can find all information about the submission in the document Information for Applicants.


  • The ANR is acting as lead agency for the 2025 call and will be responsible for the review and selection process.

Application information

  • Proposals are submitted online using the electronic application portal elane.
  • Applications must be submitted to the ANR by the specified deadline and to the FWF by the day after the deadline. 

Funding institution

Austrian Science Fund (FWF)


Please note:

For applicants from France: Pre-registration on the ANR website is required by October 15, 2024. No pre-registration is necessary with the FWF.

The submission deadline (ANR) will be in late March 2025.

The FWF submission deadline will be one day after the ANR deadline. The exact deadline will be published at a later date.

Inquiries and contact

Beatrice Lawal
+43 676 83487 8703


Partner organization

ANR - Agence Nationale de la Recherche  


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