The Emerging Fields program is aimed at teams of outstanding researchers doing pioneering work in basic research who are prepared to depart from established approaches. It gives researchers the opportunity to pursue particularly innovative, original, or high-risk ideas. The program focuses on funding research that has the potential to trigger a paradigm shift in its field.

Target group

Consortia of 3–7 internationally outstanding researchers at one or more Austrian research institutions

Funding Goals

The aim of the program is to give researchers the opportunity to pursue particularly innovative, original, and/or high-risk ideas that are often not sufficiently supported by traditional funding instruments. To be eligible, these ideas must have the potential to transform a field of research and/or create a paradigm shift within or across disciplines.

The program is particularly open to interdisciplinary teams, researchers involved in arts-based research who apply aesthetic and artistic methods, and transdisciplinary approaches that involve non-academic participants from outside the scientific community.

Funding period and funding amount

  • €3 to 6 million for 60 months
  • Continuation of the project depends on an interim review after three years


  • Consortium of 3 to 7 researchers or arts-based researchers with outstanding research performance by FWF standards
  • High scientific quality by international standards
  • At least one-third of the consortium members must be women
  • For further details, please see the application guidelines.


  • Single-stage submission with three-stage peer review 
  • Decision made by the Scientific Board based on the recommendation of a multidisciplinary international jury; recommendations are made based on international peer review as well as hearings where applicable.

Number of eligible projects

Approximately 4–6 projects

Funding institution

Austrian Science Fund (FWF)


Currently no submissions

Inquiries and contact

Mag. phil. Petra Biberhofer PhD
+43 676 83487 8839

Application portal

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