Data scope
The Research Radar page shows all FWF-funded projects approved in or after 1995. Any missing or incomplete project data resulting from historical changes in the databases will not be added subsequently and are consequently not available. Generally speaking: The older the project data, the more incomplete and inaccurate it may be in individual cases.
Project status
The status of a research project (completed, ongoing, project start open) is based on the starting and ending dates of the project. Projects that have been approved but either not implemented or terminated before the end of the planned project term are listed as “prematurely terminated.”
Starting and ending dates
For older projects in certain funding programs (e.g. Book Publications) that do not have a formal project duration, “impossible” starting and ending dates may sometimes occur (e.g. an ending date prior to the project’s starting date) due to certain technical aspects of the database. In these individual cases, please note that this information indicates nothing about the actual duration of the project.
Funding program names
The names of some FWF funding programs have changed over time. For example, certain projects that were previously filed under “International Joint Projects” can now be found under the funding programs “Principal Investigator Projects International” or “International – Multilateral Initiatives.”
Project number (FWF ID)
Parts of the system for assigning project ID numbers have also changed over time for different funding programs. This means that the numbering system shown on the Research Radar page may differ from previously communicated project numbers in individual cases (e.g. “CM 1” instead of “CM 100”).
Grant DOI
A Digital Object Identifier, the grant DOI refers to the queried project page on the Research Radar page and must be indicated in any publications, lectures, presentations, etc. that refer to the FWF-funded research project. The grant DOI is made up of an unchanging FWF prefix (10.55776) and the project’s FWF ID number.
Funding amount
The amount of funding granted (“funding amount”) is the amount awarded when the project is first approved. Additional funds that may be added in the later course of the project (additional funding granted, compensation for inflation, publication funding, etc.) are not included. In funding programs where an application for continuation is required (e.g. for the second funding period in the Special Research Areas program), the funds approved for the continuation are added to the amount of funding granted for the first funding period. For legal reasons, amounts of funding granted can only be shown for projects approved in and after 2012.
National and international project participants
Associated research partners (formerly national research partners) generally work at an Austrian research institution other than that of the principal investigator, make a scientific contribution to the implementation of the project, and usually receive part of the funding. Cooperation partners can be involved in a research project in a variety of ways, but as a rule no funding from the project is earmarked for them. The data shown is based on the information available when the project was approved.
Research output
The FWF pulls information on research output from two different data sources:
- Principal investigators use Researchfish to file their Final Project Reports. These reports include information on publications and other project output. Reporting requirements were introduced for most of the FWF’s funding programs on January 15, 2019. The majority of projects with an ending date on or after January 1, 2013 are available in the system. Principal investigators can manage and modify project output directly in the Researchfish tool, which allows them to record further research output even after the project has ended. Changes and additions will appear on the Research Radar page as necessary data updates are made at various levels.
- Publication data is also added to the Research Radar page from the external publication database Dimensions; Dimensions automatically assigns this data to the respective FWF-funded projects (based on the publications’ acknowledgements). In individual cases, it can happen that publications are assigned to the wrong projects – the FWF has no influence on these automated assignments.
Dimensions is also the source for the citations shown (for more details, see citation origins). For technical and pragmatic reasons, these are also listed under research output, although they are more a reflection of scientific impact than the strict definition of project output.
The Research Radar page shows only research results supplied to the FWF from the two sources mentioned above. The FWF accepts no liability for the accuracy, completeness, and currency of this content.
Managing research output
FWF principal investigators can manage and update the research output shown on the Research Radar page using the research documentation system Researchfish. Currently, only research results included in Final Project Reports or that could be automatically assigned based on the correct citation of the project’s FWF ID (project number) can be shown.
Principal investigators who have already created an account can log in at any time to update and manage entries.
Comprehensive information and access links will be sent out in 2024 to all principal investigators who have not yet received access. If you would like to receive access now, please register by email to martina.kunzmann(at)
You can request a new password using this link.
Further information and support are available on the FWF website and in the Researchfish User Guide.