The Elise Richter PEEK program combines the benefits of the Elise Richter program with the special requirements of arts-based research. It is open to excellent women scientists in the senior postdoc phase of their careers and helps them gain the qualifications needed for top academic positions at national and international research institutions. As part of the reform of its career development programs, the FWF has introduced a new funding program for advanced postdocs from July 2024: the FWF ASTRA Awards are replacing Elise Richter PEEK program. For more information, please see the FWF ASTRA Awards program page.

Target group

The funding program is aimed at highly qualified women working in the field of arts-based research* interested in pursuing an academic career.

* Individuals with a registered civil status of diverse, intersex, or open are also eligible to apply.

Funding goals

The Elise Richter PEEK program supports the professional development of outstandingly qualified women researchers in the field of arts-based research interested in pursuing an academic career. After completion of the program, funding recipients should have reached a level of qualification allowing them to apply for a senior faculty-level position in Austria or abroad (venia docendi, habilitation, or the equivalent).

Funding period and funding amount

  • 12 to 48 months
  • Personnel costs for the principal investigator’s salary (current senior postdoc rate)
  • Project-specific costs up to a maximum of €30,000 per year


  • The applicant must have the arts-based research qualifications needed to lead the proposed research project
  • A minimum of two years of arts-based research experience in Austria or abroad (unlike the Elise Richter program, a completed doctorate is not a prerequisite for application)
  • Preliminary work for the planned research project/thesis project
  • For further details, please see the application guidelines.


  • Decision by the Scientific Board based on a recommendation by the PEEK Jury; recommendations are made on the basis of international peer review
  • The PEEK jury is involved in the international review process
  • Generally decided at the June or November/December meeting of the Scientific Board
  • Co-financing option with the Matching Funds initiative

Application information

Rolling submissions using the online application portal elane

Funding institution

Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and, if applicable, other funding agencies

Further information

The principal investigators of all Elise Richter PEEK projects approved in the previous year are introduced and honored at an annual networking event.

New Funding Program: ASTRA Awards Replacing Elise Richter PEEK

In July 2024, the FWF launched a new career funding program: the FWF ASTRA Awards. This funding will help advanced postdocs in Austria make the leap to the top of their research field. For more information, please see the FWF ASTRA Awards program page.

Please note:

Applications can be submitted until July 16, 2024 (2:00 pm local time Vienna). The application must also be approved for submission by the research institution by this deadline.


Currently no submissions

Inquiries and contact

Dr. Nicola Klingler BA MA
+43 676 83487 8842


May 06, 2024: FWF Webinar: Focus on Career Programs (Women Only)

Jun. 19, 2024: FWF Webinar: Focus on Career Programs (Women Only)

Application portal

Program-specific FAQ

Can I apply for a START project at the same time?

Yes, applicants can submit a parallel application for START. This is the only situation where it is also possible to submit substantively identical proposals, as long as they comply with the respective application guidelines.

I have already held a Hertha Firnberg position; can I apply for Elise Richter PEEK funding afterwards?

Yes, but only for a maximum of three years (= six years of total funding from both the Firnberg and Elise Richter PEEK programs).

Does the chosen research institution have to be at a university or does the research institution have to be in Austria?

Elise Richter PEEK positions can also be applied for at non-academic research institutions in Austria (e.g. the Academy of Sciences).

Can I take a leave of absence from a (contractual) university assistant position to apply for Elise Richter PEEK funding, or can I apply for Elise Richter PEEK funding in addition to working in a 50% part-time position?

In principle, both options are possible; if you apply for a part-time employment contract, the funding for your own personnel costs will be reduced to reflect the extent of employment.

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