FWF to Offer International Programs in New PROFI Funding Mode Starting in June
Now that the Principal Investigator Projects (previously Stand-Alone Projects) have been switched to PROFI funding mode, the FWF is also changing its international programs to PROFI funding mode starting May 31, 2023. The change affects only new submissions, applications already submitted and ongoing projects are not affected.
Content requirements remain unchanged
There is no change to the required content of applications as compared to the expiring ad personam application mode. Only the formal specifications are subject to a few further developments. For example, changes have been introduced in how to present CVs – accounting for interruptions or delays in the applicant’s academic career as well as some inclusion-related aspects are now explained in more detail.
Research institution must be selected
To submit a proposal to one of FWF’s international programs in PROFI funding mode, researchers will need to select the corresponding associated research institution in the elane electronic application portal to make sure the application is correctly allocated. Most Austrian research institutions are already registered with the FWF, making them available for selection. If a research institution is not included in the list of selectable research institutions in elane, researchers are requested to contact the missing research institution so that the registration process can be completed.
Submission deadline for applications in progress: End of May
Please note that ad personam applications for FWF’s international programs can only be submitted to elane until May 30, 2023. This change does not apply to submissions for Austrian participations in Special Research Programs (SFB) and Research Units (Forschungsgruppen) of the German Research Foundation (DFG) for which pre-proposals have already been submitted in ad personam mode, or to proposals submitted to ERA4Health/CARDINNOV, which must also be finalized in ad personam mode. Further information can be found on the FWF website under each of the respective call pages. The online application portal elane will only allow applications to be submitted in the appropriate mode for each program.