The alpha+ Foundation’s Rückenwind Funding Bonus: Fourth Call

With the nonprofit-funded Rückenwind funding bonus, the alpha+ Foundation and the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) support the academic careers of aspiring top researchers in the Erwin Schrödinger program by facilitating international networking. Thanks to a grant of up to €5,000 per person, researchers can strengthen their connections with international colleagues and attend conferences and specialization courses.
A new cooperation with the Viennese law firm Binder Grösswang and with a private donor now creates additional opportunities for the next generation of top researchers. Effective immediately, the Rückenwind funding bonus is open to researchers from all scientific disciplines (further information on how to apply can be found here).
Rückenwind funding bonuses from the alpha+ Foundation and the FWF are available in the following key research areas:
- Biology and medicine
- Economics and social sciences, natural sciences, and technology with a research focus on East Asia
- All scientific disciplines with a research focus on the topics of sustainability and/or digitalization
The Austrian Science Fund’s nonprofit alpha+ Foundation
The FWF was the first public research funding agency in Europe to establish a non-profit foundation to provide Austria's researchers with more opportunities in basic research through private grants. The objective of the FWF’s alpha+ Foundation is to create new research grants based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals with a focus on addressing the climate crisis and supporting the scientific careers of highly talented young researchers. Currently, private donations allow the FWF to finance research projects worth €1.5 million each year.
Do you want to help open a new chapter in Austrian research history?
Contact us for an initial conversation. The board of the alpha+ Foundation looks forward to meeting you and introducing all of the available options.