Advancing the understanding of global plant invasions
Advancing the understanding of global plant invasions
Weave: Österreich - Belgien - Deutschland - Luxemburg - Polen - Schweiz - Slowenien - Tschechien
Biology (60%); Geosciences (40%)
Biological Invasions,
Vascular Plants,
Global Change
Humans have deliberately and undeliberately introduced many species from their native regions into regions where they did not previously occur. Some of these species have become naturalized, and some of those have become invasive. However, only in the last couple of years, the global extent patterns and processes of such biological invasions have started to emerge. This has been possible through large-scale collaborative initiatives such as the Global Naturalized Alien Flora (GloNAF) database, funded by the DFG and FWF. The GloNAF database currently includes entries of 16,564 alien vascular plant species in 1388 regions. In this new follow-up proposal, we want to continue updating and expanding GloNAF. We will use the database to test how threat status and commonness in the native range relate to naturalization elsewhere. This will be done by combining GloNAF with the ThreatSearch database and with multiple datasets on changes in distributions of native species in different parts of Europe. Furthermore, by using resurveyed vegetation relevé data from the recently established ResurveyEurope initiative, we will assess small scale patterns and drivers of changes in alien and native plant species richness and composition in plant communities of Europe. By using the novel Global Alien Pathogenic Fungi database, we will analyze the interactions of plant invasions and alien pathogenic fungi. Finally, we will use species distribution modelling on all naturalized species with sufficient occurrence records in GBIF to quantify naturalization debts and the potential global ranges of alien species. These studies will further advance our understanding of local and global plant invasions and their impacts on biodiversity.
- Universität Wien - 100%
- Bernd Lenzner, Universität Wien , national collaboration partner
- Dietmar Moser, Universität Wien , national collaboration partner
- Stefan Dullinger, Universität Wien , national collaboration partner
- Ute Jandt, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg - Germany
- Kleunen Mark Van, Universität Konstanz - Germany, international project partner
- Helge Bruelheide, Universität Leipzig - Germany
Research Output
- 57 Citations
- 10 Publications
Title Threatened Mammals With Alien Populations: Distribution, Causes, and Conservation DOI 10.1111/conl.13069 Type Journal Article Author Tedeschi L Journal Conservation Letters Link Publication -
Title Plant invasion and naturalization are influenced by genome size, ecology and economic use globally DOI 10.1038/s41467-024-45667-4 Type Journal Article Author Guo K Journal Nature Communications Pages 1330 Link Publication -
Title A synthesis on alien mammals threatened in their native range DOI 10.1101/2024.03.04.582492 Type Preprint Author Tedeschi L Pages 2024.03.04.582492 Link Publication -
Title Global indicators of the environmental impacts of invasive alien species and their information adequacy DOI 10.1098/rstb.2023.0323 Type Journal Article Author Henriksen M Journal Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B Pages 20230323 Link Publication -
Title Invasion risk of the currently cultivated alien flora in southern Africa is predicted to decline under climate change DOI 10.1111/ecog.07010 Type Journal Article Author Omer A Journal Ecography Link Publication -
Title The poleward naturalization of intracontinental alien plants DOI 10.1126/sciadv.adi1897 Type Journal Article Author Zhang Z Journal Science Advances Link Publication -
Title Potential sources of time lags in calibrating species distribution models DOI 10.1111/jbi.14726 Type Journal Article Author Essl F Journal Journal of Biogeography Pages 89-102 Link Publication -
Title Climatic stability and geological history shape global centers of neo- and paleoendemism in seed plants DOI 10.1073/pnas.2300981120 Type Journal Article Author Cai L Journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Link Publication -
Title Long-term trajectories of non-native vegetation on islands globally DOI 10.1111/ele.14196 Type Journal Article Author Walentowitz A Journal Ecology Letters Pages 729-741 Link Publication -
Title Austrian farmers perception of new weeds DOI 10.1002/pei3.10129 Type Journal Article Author Glaser M Journal Plant-Environment Interactions Link Publication