think.beyond: The Future of Basic Research

The Austrian Science Fund (FWF) invited you to join us for a new dialog platform in the historic setting of the Otto Wagner Postal Savings Bank on March 14, 2024.

The FWF's first ‘think.beyond Summit’ focused on the impact of basic research on the economy, industry, and society. In two breakout sessions followed by a panel discussion, around 250 participants discussed key topics with national and international experts.

Did you miss the Summit? A review of the two breakout sessions and the panel discussion, including the awards for the new Emerging Fields projects, can be found online here:

FWF think.beyond Summit – The Future of Basic Research

The next ‘think.beyond Summit’ is scheduled for  February 20, 2025.

4:00 pm: Welcome with coffee & snacks

4:00 pm: Welcome with coffee & snacks


  • Christof Gattringer, President FWF
  • Ursula Jakubek, Executive Vice-President FWF
  • Martin Polaschek, Federal Minister of Education, Science and Research

4:30 to 5:45: Breakout session “Leveraging Innovation: Shaping Austria’s Future through Excellent Basic Research”

4:30 to 5:45: Breakout session “Leveraging Innovation: Shaping Austria’s Future through Excellent Basic Research”


  • Ruth Breu, computer scientist, University of Innsbruck, Austrian Phoenix Founders Award 2019
  • Gabriel Felbermayr, Director WIFO
  • Christoph Neumayer, Director General of the Federation of Austrian Industries
  • Matthias Weber, Head of Center for Innovation Systems and Policy, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
  • Christof Gattringer, President FWF (moderator)

To master today’s social and economic challenges, we need the knowledge and expertise of the best researchers and the conditions to facilitate excellent and independent cutting-edge research in Austria. At the same time, basic research should lead to applications, made possibly by cooperation in strategic partnerships between science and industry.

How do we build bridges between research findings and application? How do we strengthen Austria as a research center in the international competition for innovation? How do we accelerate the exchange of knowledge between researchers and the business community, industry, and society? How can Austria become more innovative?

The breakout session was held in cooperation with the Federation of Austrian Industries (IV).

4:30 to 5:45: Breakout session "Breaking New Ground: A Vision for the Future of Science Philanthropy"

4:30 to 5:45: Breakout session "Breaking New Ground: A Vision for the Future of Science Philanthropy"


  • Beate Eckhardt, strategy and philanthropy consultant
  • Andreas Kosmider, Managing Director, Falling Walls Foundation
  • Markus Reinhard, Managing Director, NOMIS Foundation
  • Georg Winckler, Chair of the alpha+ Foundation
  • Ruth Williams, Managing Director, Fundraising Verband Austria (moderator)

International comparison shows clearly that close cooperation between research and philanthropic organizations is needed to make society ready for the future.

But what will it take to further develop a culture of giving for science and research in Austria? What role do strategic collaborations play in mobilizing philanthropic funding for science and research? And what can we learn from best practice examples in other countries?

Discuss the future of science philanthropy in Austria with international speakers and look forward to inspiring insights into the development and potential of strategic private-public partnerships for cutting-edge research in Austria.

The breakout session was held in cooperation with the alpha+ Foundation of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and the Fundraising Verband Austria.

5:45 to 6:30: Break & networking

5:45 to 6:30: Break & networking

6:30 (in English): Podium discussion & award presentation “What’s Next? The Future of Excellent Basic Research in Austria – Austria's First Emerging Fields Projects”

6:30 (in English): Podium discussion & award presentation “What’s Next? The Future of Excellent Basic Research in Austria – Austria's First Emerging Fields Projects”

On the podium:

  • Christof Gattringer, President FWF
  • Manuela Baccarini, Vice-Rector for Research and International Affairs, Deputy of the Rector, University of Vienna
  • Christian Pohl, environmental scientist, ETH Zurich, member of the international Emerging Fields jury
  • Mari Sundli Tveit, Chief Executive, Research Council of Norway, President Science Europe
  • Barbara Weitgruber, Director General Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research
  • Hannelore Veit (moderator)

Driven by curiosity and the desire to find answers to previously unanswered questions, researchers are doing valuable pioneering work for innovation and prosperity. On the occasion of Austria's first Emerging Fields grants, which are aimed at pursuing particularly high-risk and ground-breaking ideas, we will be taking a look at the cutting-edge research of tomorrow: Who are the teams breaking new ground? What conditions do researchers and research institutions in Austria and Europe need to be able to hold their own in international competition in the future? How can scientific freedom, excellence, and return on investment be reconciled?

From 8:00: Networking & buffet

From 8:00: Networking & buffet

After the presentation of the Emerging Fields awards many interesting conversations took place.


The breakout session “Leveraging Innovation: Shaping Austria’s Future through Excellent Basic Research”  was held in cooperation with the Federation of Austrian Industries (IV).


Industriellenvereinigung Logo

The breakout session “Breaking New Ground: A Vision for the Future of Science Philanthropy”  was held in cooperation with the alpha+ Foundation of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and the Fundraising Verband Austria.


Logo alpha plus Stiftung des FWF

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