Survey on Open Access at the FWF: Your Feedback on Plan S
On 1 January 2021, the FWF’s expanded Open Access Policy went into effect, which is in line with the international Plan S Initiative. Plan S was developed by cOAlition S, a group of 29 national and international research funding agencies, organisations, and non-profit foundations, to provide open access to scholarly research results. Accordingly, funding is only granted to those publications which are openly available to the public at the time of publication.
Participate now: Share your feedback with us in a survey conducted by cOAlition S
The member organisations of the European-wide cOAlition S wish to carry out a detailed analysis of the progress and developments made in the area of open access. We would therefore like to invite all FWF-funded researchers to share their experiences when publishing according to the principles of Plan S in a survey conducted by cOAlition S.
- Link to the online survey on Plan S:
The survey is also intended to provide additional insights into the impact of the Plan S principles on the publication of research results as well as the career paths of researchers.
All feedback is anonymous and serves the purpose of better understanding what researchers need in terms of support when it comes to publishing. The survey is part of cOAlition S’s ongoing efforts to monitor and evaluate the effects of Plan S on research and scholarly communication.